Sunday, December 8, 2013
The "bring" part is the of us has an overpacking tendency and since this isn't an average camping trip it's doubly challenging. How to make where you land a home with enough comfort is the goal but short of bringing the couch, how does one accomplish this? Guess we will figure that out as we go.
The "store" is fairly straight forward. We have a 5x5 unit rented that comes with a moving truck. It's located near family, cheap ($40 a month), and just the right amount of space as long as you are good at Tetris. The challenge here is to keep handy the items we may possibly need but that's easier said then done.
Sell: thanks to craigslist and flea markets we have been trying to get rid of some of the bulkier, non sentimental things. We've actually been working on trying to barter too...more on bartering later.
Donate...the best opportunity to live light is to purge purge purge all the crap that collects in life. Life always seems easier (read as simpler) when you clear the clutter so throw that nonsense out (well you know donate).
Bug cemetery
Sunday, June 2, 2013
Turtles, Frogs, and Salamanders....oh my.
Well, two days down as campground security...and final day of moving, gad I hate moving. Strong word I know, but when your moving from the city into the woods and all you have is a small popup and a big ole tent...and a tiny little car, moving gets old real fast. The security gig is pretty awesome so far...even comes with option of company vehicle, between a lil pickup, a mule, or a golf cart...I have a feeling me and the golf cart are gonna become quite familiar with each other.
Big difference out here in the woods...takes me back to the good ole days as a care free child just spending the days killing time with my lil bro hunting salamanders and frogs. The gremlin has taking a liking to the frogs out here chasing them around the campsite, a poor lil froggy even jumped into the fire pit as i was getting it going...luckily he jumped into a log that hadn't been engulfed in flame just yet and escaped with a tiny amber on his head, I'm sure it hurt but at least I didn't have to google how to cook up some frog legs...which I heard tastes like chicken, maybe we shall find out this summer.
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
We bought a sweet little pop up. We'd been looking for a few months and saw a few in the process; some from craigslist and some from dealers. In the end, we have a groovy lil starter pop up from 1986. It's a fine year for great things to be brought into this world and the price was right. We set it up to air that bugger out and let it sit for a few nights in the rain. Came to find that it's pretty rain tight.
We have high hopes of decking it out and refurbishing parts but we wanted to take some time and understand what kind of hacks make the most sense.
We?, yes we. There are two of us in this experience. Well three when you include the Gremma Girl (aka the Gremlin):
We are missing Emmy Key Key who is visiting her other home for the summer or until we decide to put a traditional roof over our head.
The Adventure Begins...
For the effort it takes to go through life, it should feel full. Not stagnant or unlearning, but interested and moving.
It's exactly 9 days until there's no going back. Well that's dramatic but it's the first day of camping or alternative living or as we like to look at it, a life changing, once in a life time chance to do something crazy! An adventure worth documenting. Here is how we make a normal and quite happy life out of living "transient"while maximizing our exposure to the world.
Like...for blubber if your stranded.