Sunday, December 8, 2013

Bug cemetery

Well, with nature comes bugs: ants, beetles, dragonflys, mosquitos....and spiders! I'm good with taking pictures of spiders and their webs, but when you feel something crawling up your leg, and look down and find a big bubble-butt spider marching up your leg, your first reaction isn't to cheer it on, but rather freak out and swat it or flick it. I choose to flick, especially when we are sitting fire side. 
Falling asleep is a whole 'nother experience. Back in the loft is was hard to fall asleep with out a window cracked and the fan going, out here the window is always open and there the local frog gang will ribbit you to sleep.  Then when you awaken in the early morning and look up, you can find a traffic jam of dead bugs hanging out between the tent roof and rain fly...

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