Sunday, December 8, 2013

How we got here.  Good question but all in time....well - maybe.  This is a journal of an experience and we will work hard to show it from all angles. From shortcuts, hacks and camping tips, to individual personal entries and pictures, to the real life pain in the ass stuff that is going to pop up - we will document it.  If for nothing else but posterity and the opportunity to inspire the next person to try something new.
It's Memorial Day weekend and fortunately it's raining because what a bummer it would be to be inside packing all day. Getting your life into neat little categories makes the most sense bring, store, sell, donate. So simple right? Hardly...
The "bring" part is the of us has an overpacking tendency and since this isn't an average camping trip it's doubly challenging.  How to make where you land a home with enough comfort is the goal but short of bringing the couch, how does one accomplish this? Guess we will figure that out as we go.
The "store" is fairly straight forward. We have a 5x5 unit rented that comes with a moving truck. It's located near family, cheap ($40 a month), and just the right amount of space as long as you are good at Tetris. The challenge here is to keep handy the items we may possibly need but that's easier said then done.
Sell: thanks to craigslist and flea markets we have been trying to get rid of some of the bulkier, non sentimental things. We've actually been working on trying to barter too...more on bartering later.
Donate...the best opportunity to live light is to purge purge purge all the crap that collects in life.  Life always seems easier (read as simpler) when you clear the clutter so throw that nonsense out (well you know donate).


Well a little over a month now since our last update and a lot has happened... Ah,  the drama.  So our old security pals,  Kevin and Dodi, who worked the 5 day stretch got into a little "he said,  she said" pissing contest with some campers and the main man Buddy... Let's just say Buddy has been here for a long time, Kevin was a rookie comparatively so he got the shit end of the stick.  Next thing you know they pull up to our site and fill us in,  this is how they opened: sooo,  we put in our notice... "greaaaat  I'm thinking, if they put us in charge of security this campground is gonna become a whole lot more laid back.  Anyways,  fast forward a week and we are in the same position we were before the whole ordeal,  which is mondays and tuesdays... To us that's a win.
Now it's time to move to higher ground after being flooded out for a few weeks.  Man o man was june pretty shitty,  I think it rained 75% of the month.  Then to top it off mother nature throws a curveball of a heat wave to really bring out the 3 H'S,  hazy hot and humid. This calls for back to back beach days right before the fourth of July... Plum Island then salisbury for a couple hours.  Anyways back to camp,  site 58 is the new home and damn is it way bigger,  secluded. ..........
Mid July now...
... Lost my train of thought... Still no golf cart....  No frog legs...
.. House sit jesses... Our own little vacation with awesome empanadas and sushi...score.

Bug cemetery

Well, with nature comes bugs: ants, beetles, dragonflys, mosquitos....and spiders! I'm good with taking pictures of spiders and their webs, but when you feel something crawling up your leg, and look down and find a big bubble-butt spider marching up your leg, your first reaction isn't to cheer it on, but rather freak out and swat it or flick it. I choose to flick, especially when we are sitting fire side. 
Falling asleep is a whole 'nother experience. Back in the loft is was hard to fall asleep with out a window cracked and the fan going, out here the window is always open and there the local frog gang will ribbit you to sleep.  Then when you awaken in the early morning and look up, you can find a traffic jam of dead bugs hanging out between the tent roof and rain fly...

Where has the time gone?